Ade Ape Dengan Lipstick Wanita??

Wahai rakan2 bloggerku sekalian terutamanya kaum HAWA..
Bace info ni bebaik ye.. Bak kate omputeh 'Sharing is Caring'..
Aku amek dari email aku baru sat tadi dapat dari member aku..
Tapi aku tak geti nak translet.. Paham2 sendirik la ye.. Kalu tak paham meh jumpa aku, aku sponsor Kamus Dwibahasa Oxford punya... Heheee..
This comes from someone.. Who works in the breast cancer unit at Mt. Sinai Hospital, in Toronto. From: Dr. Nahid Neman If there is a female you care anything about, share this with her. I did!!!!! I am also sharing this with the males on my email list, because they need to tell the females THEY care about as well! Recently a lipstick brand called 'Red Earth' decreased their prices from $67 to $9.90. It contained lead.
Lead is a chemical which causes cancer. The lipstick brands that contain lead are:
The higher the lead content, the greater the chance of causing cancer. After doing a test on lipsticks, it was found that the Y.S.L lipstick contained the most amount of lead. Watch out for those lipsticks which are supposed to stay longer.
If your lipstick stays longer, it is because of the higher content of lead. Here is the test you can do yourself: 1. Put some lipstick on your hand. 2. Use a Gold ring to scratch on the lipstick. 3. If the lipstick colour changes to black, then you know the lipstick contains lead.
Please send this information to all your girlfriends, wives and female family members. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center Dioxin Carcinogens cause cancer, especially breast cancer.
Maybelline & L'oreal (betul ke ejaan aku nih!!) tak tersenarai, maksudnye ex-awek aku Siti Nurhaliza & Camelia terselamat dari breast cancer, iye dak??? Hahaa...
Best Regard,
Tapaknya..IMAN, Jalannya..SYARIAT, Natijahnya..AKHLAK

17 komen:

Dj Epoi berkata... [Maklum Balas]


Sejak bila plak Lu dah pandai pakai Lipstik nih.....setahu Gua oarng Pompuan jer......hehhehehehe

Anyway.....Bagus sesangat Entry nih...

Lpas nih ....Kita carik Formula Lipstik yang menggunakan daun *Sirih* plak..heheheh
Merah menyala.gempaq beb!!!!

Orang2 Pompuan jangan marah noooooo!!!!!

❀aRaBeLLa❀ berkata... [Maklum Balas]

lagipon lipstik maybelline mmg best..huhu..btw salam ziarah

hysman berkata... [Maklum Balas]

DJ EPOiiii,
Wazzzup brooooo'...

Wa tak pakai lipstick ar bro tapi wa pakai chopstick..huhuhuuuuhh..
yg wa tau makan..makan..dan makan..
Tapi wa tak makan sirih beb.
kalu makan sirih bukan takat bibih je yg merah dgn giginye pon merah gak boleh kena cancer gigi@gusi plak da..
aiyaa bro...
Pakai cat je senang..takyah nak touchup lame2 depan cermin..
permenent no worries...hahaaa..

Salam Arabella
Salam ziarak kembali kak..
betul ke ejaan 'maybelline' saye kat dlm n3 tu kak??tak sangka terer jugak aku eja ek..
Kak,nape pakai yg branded2 punya brand..awat tak beli kat paso malam punya lagi selamat..sekali pakai pijo mulut...hahaaaaa...

❀aRaBeLLa❀ berkata... [Maklum Balas]

ehh ape kelas pakai pasar malam..heheh..maybelline mmg nampak brand tapi harga dia x de la mahal lipstik bawah rm30 pun ader..(cehh yoyoor pomot cam nak wat direct selling lak..kuikui)

btw akak link awk ehh.. =)

hysman berkata... [Maklum Balas]

Wahhhh...sesuaiii ar kak jadi salesgirl..hehe..

saya link blog akak jugak k..
peace no war..huhu..

amirul berkata... [Maklum Balas]

Salam Man,
Info baguih... sib baik org umah aku jarang2 pakai lipstick... dah tau ni bleh la bli yg ok je...hehe

hysman berkata... [Maklum Balas]

salam kembali bro..
sikit2 boleh ler bro soh org uma pakai tapi kalu da merah myala mak ngah beter jgn pakai..sakit mata..
takyah beli yg mahal2 bro..
bak kate arabella,mabelline branded tapi murah..
tak pon like im suggest bli made in china kat paso mlm je udah..

Naz berkata... [Maklum Balas]

hahahaa... baru aku tau saper x gf ko.

hysman berkata... [Maklum Balas]

merana beb...
frazzzz giler...
takpe la,asalkan die sihat tak kena breast cancer udah ler...

Tanpa Nama berkata... [Maklum Balas]

den natural beauty..xyah lipstik2..hehehe..lebih2 pon lip ice je..hehehe

hysman berkata... [Maklum Balas]

btul tu mynah..
be natural beauty lagi lawo...
takyah nak plastik2..

Darling Pya berkata... [Maklum Balas]

wallaweh siap kaji psl lipstik nie..ada apa2 ke dear???

1 lg acu nak tmbh lipstikc avon pun ada gak yg bertukar jd,beware...

p/s::i hanye sesuai dgn mabelline je u...hehhehe

hysman berkata... [Maklum Balas]

ade ape??utk kekasih awal dan akhir laa cu..hahaa..
aik,suma info mesti dishare..
sampai menyampai walau sepatah pekataan pon..

Tukang cerita berkata... [Maklum Balas]

akak suka semua n3 awak...
psstttt... lipstik akak tak tersenarai~sk2~, selamatlah akak ek...


hysman berkata... [Maklum Balas]

thanx kak..:p
bagus ler kalu gincu akak tak tersenarai,tapi beware jugak kak somtime brand yg tak tersenarai kat atas pon barangkali mengandungi lead jugak..
cuma tak dikaji lagi..
brand yg tersenarai juz international brand..
local maybe ade gak like acu said AVON have too sis..
jga2 k..

p/s:akak pakai lipstick ape kak??

Idalara berkata... [Maklum Balas]

Eh..akak terlewat bc n3 ni..mujurlah antara lipstik yg tersenarai tkde yang akak apa2 pun kena berhati2 gak mgkin lipstik tk guna tp kosmetik lain guna jenama tu...nak check lah jap lagi...thanks yg sgtlah bagusnya..

hysman berkata... [Maklum Balas]

u're welcome kak..
ape yg diketahui akan cuba dikongsi..
hmm...cek la gak..
sekarang ni penyakit tak kira umor..
somtime muda lagi da kene cancer..
so always beware..